Thursday, March 26, 2009

Death Race at signals


Finally back to India and writing my first post for this sweet year.

Didnt have time to browse :-( I am not a good time manager.

After coming back, I thought I can never change to this atmosphere. But after a couple of months, Yes I have again become a typical Chennaite.

Typical Chennaite doesn't necessarily mean breaking the rules, it also means adjusting to the people who breaks the rules.

Here is one such daily event that happens in my city.

Each time DMK comes to power, we see vast changes happening. Especially the number of bridges being built.

Now this time the notable improvement is that, the number of signals in the city have also increased.

This gives a thought that there might be discipline but it contradicts since the time of travel has increased, People ride with extra aggression.

Before the flash of green, bikers will be in top gear, cars will start honking.

Now, these are set of people who will never change.

My point is about the other set of unruly people. They are none other than the pedestrians waiting to cross the signals.

Most of the time, the pedestrians will be sluggish to cross the road. For most of the pedestrians, signals ends when they cross one part of the road.

Read my previous lines, U can understand that the vehicle traffic would have started even before green has flashed.

Now the REMOS and REMIS (female of REMO) will start to cross the road in Anniyan style (enna nambala ila) without caring for the vehicle traffic with some of them talking over mobiles with their spouse as if that call is worth 1 crore.

Who is getting affected? Only people who strictly follow rules. They either fall down or hit them.
The other unruly vehicle traffic is nowhere in sight. They would have already gone to the next signal

Dont know when these sort of behavior will change.